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Innovation Matrix

A complete overview of innovation programs: you define the benefits you expect from your innovation strategy, the innovation matrix will show you the most suitable program to activate.

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innovation matrix

What is this for?

Navigating through all these different formats is not always easy. We’ve been asked by innovation managers questions like ‘what is the best innovation initiative for our organization?’ or ‘how do others tackle this problem?’.

To reply to these questions we’ve created an innovation strategy matrix that compares innovation initiatives. Surprisingly enough, we call it the innovation matrix.

This PDF tool aims to support you in making the right decision when it comes to launching your next innovation program so that you can get the most out of your innovation budget.

Step-by-step guide.


Download this PDF and print it on an A4.


For each of the 16 innovation formats, determine the level of maturity your organization reached on that specific format.


Now look at the bigger picture: in which area of the matrix can you find your initiatives with the highest maturity? This should give you a sense of whether your organization is a hunter, a builder, an explorer or an experimenter.


Next, consider whether your organization is interested in gradually shifting its focus towards other areas of the matrix. Below, we’ve listed some common trends we’ve seen in the transformation of organizations over time.


Take concrete actions: how to start building new formats? We can give tailored support.

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